Bone conduction headphones have been gaining popularity day by day. People are curious about the technology behind bone conduction headphones. A lot of manufacturers promote it like it is a blessing device to everyone.
According to them, it can help us to avoid headphone-related hearing loss and there will be no risk of wearing headphones outdoors.
Some others have given opposite opinions. So, its safety is an ongoing debate.
Maybe you want to try this new headphone but you got stuck in all these different opinions—no need to worry then.
I am going to answer all of your questions regarding the safety of bone conduction headphones and many more. Have a look here.
Let’s know what bone conduction headphones are before going to further discussion.
What Are Bone Conduction Headphones?
They are headphones that rest right on the top of the listener’s cheekbones.
They don’t sit in or on the ears like traditional headphones. This headphone leaves the ear canal open to ambient sound while listening to music at the same time.
Are you curious about the technology working behind the bone conduction headphones? Stay with me to know the details.
How Do Bone Conduction Headphones Work?
Generally, sounds are transmitted through the air to our eardrums. Bone conduction is an exception to this.
They send the sound wave through the skull by constantly vibrating jaw bone. The sound waves directly go to the inner ear, specifically to the cochlea bypassing the eardrum.
The brain interprets this wave as sound. We can hear this sound from inside the ear instead of outside.
The bone conduction technology sounds a little bit dangerous. That’s why people often get confused about their safety. Let’s know if they are safe or not.

Are Bone Conduction Headphones Safe?
Bone Conduction Headphones are perfectly safe as long as you use them responsibly.
In fact, they are safer than most traditional in-ear headphones. You don’t have to insert them into the ear canals. There will be no silicone tips in your ear, which may increase the possibility of ear infection.
Besides, bone conduction headphones don’t use eardrums to transmit sound. You can enjoy the music without any worries or risk of damaging your eardrums.
I want to include an important fact here. Bone conduction headphones are not dangerous. But listening at a high volume is dangerous. Even if you do this with traditional headphones, there will be a risk of ear damage too.
So, the main problem is the high volume, not the bone conduction headphones.
World Health Organization listed ‘leisure noise’ (listening to music through personal devices) as a danger to human health in 2018.
Apart from this, they are entirely safe for outside usage, unlike conventional headphones.
Since they don’t plug the ear canal, you can hear what is going on around you. At the same time, you can be aware of your surroundings.
You just need to keep your volume at a certain level to make the environment audible.
You can get a more precise idea if I explain the advantages of using bone conduction headphones. Without any further delay, I am going to discuss it now.
Advantages Of Using Bone Conduction Headphones
Bone conduction headphones give certain benefits to their users. They are-
- Help the hearing impaired people.
- Let you enjoy music and be aware of the surroundings simultaneously.
- Serve people of different professions.
Let’s know these points in detail.
There is a common question regarding bone conduction headphones. That is-
Are bone conduction headphones good for the hearing impaired?
The answer is yes.
If you are experiencing hearing loss or using any hearing aids, bone conduction headphone is a viable option for you.
Take your eyes below to have a clear idea.
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Help The Hearing Impaired People
This type of headphones sends the sound wave directly to the cochlea. So, the sound wave can skip the areas that are not working properly. This will help the hearing impaired people hear.
Additionally, they rest on the cheekbone instead of being in or on the ears. That’s why they don’t interfere with the hearing aids used by hard-of-hearing people.
Do Bone Conduction Headphones Work For The Deaf?
Yes, they do.
Listeners who are deaf in one ear can enjoy music that can’t be heard with regular headphones.
Then, it is a common problem that you can’t hear anything from outside while using the usual headphones.
You are completely immersed in your favorite music. Is someone trying to get your attention at that moment?
Don’t worry. Bone conduction headphones have the option to give a solution to these problems. Let’s know it.
Let You Enjoy Music And Be Aware Of The Surroundings Simultaneously
Your ears remain free while using bone conduction headphones. You don’t need to turn off the music to know what is happening out there. You can enjoy music and be careful of your surroundings at the same time.
So, bone conduction headphones provide a lot of options to hear the sound without sacrificing situational awareness.
This benefit has made them a must-have product for people of many different professions. I am going to describe it now.
Serve People Of Different Professions
Military, police, and soldiers can communicate during their mission. At the same time, they can stay in touch with what is happening around them.
Bone conduction headphones are also beneficial to athletes such as runners and cyclists. These outdoor sports demand a certain level of awareness to keep them safe. They can remain alert to the situation using bone conduction headphones.
You can even wear this type of headphone with safety helmets and other gears. You don’t have to sacrifice anything.
I hope you have understood the benefits of using bone conduction headphones but no product is perfect. You may face some problems if you don’t use them appropriately.
Now, I am going to mention some problems you may face while using bone conduction headphones.
Disadvantages Of Bone Conduction Headphones
You should be aware of some common concerns. These are reported by the users of bone conduction headphones –
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Headache and vertigo
- Skin irritation
Let’s know the details about these problems.
Some have claimed that there is no risk of hearing loss using bone conduction headphones but this is not entirely true.
Hearing Loss
Bone conduction headphones pass sound waves directly to the cochlea in the inner ear. The loud sound can harm its airs and nerves. It will ultimately result in hearing loss.
Bone conduction headphones skip the eardrums while sending sound waves. They can even cause tinnitus like other headphones.
Any headphones can cause headaches; bone conduction headphones are not an exception.
Headache And Vertigo
You may get uncomfortable wearing bone conduction headphones and feel headache.
It is caused by the effect of vibrations used to transmit sound through the cheekbones.
This vibration gets more intense with louder music or sound. It may leave strange feelings on your cheekbone, causing headaches.
Furthermore, some users even feel vertigo and dizziness while using bone conduction headphones.
Now we will know how bone conduction headphones cause skin irritation.
Skin Irritation
You may experience skin irritation if you use bone conduction headphones for a long time. As it rests on the skin above your ears, you can face this side effect of using bone conduction headphones.
These are the probable disadvantages or side effects of bone conduction headphones.
I must say that you can easily avoid these problems by maintaining some small tips. Take your eyes below to know them.
-Always try to keep the volume at a moderate level
-Don’t use ill-fitted bone conduction headphones
In a word, use them in a proper way.
It is true that whether you use bone conduction headphones or the traditional ones, you must follow these two things to keep your ears safe.
I have discussed the pros and cons of bone conduction headphones all this time. I hope it may help you to decide if you want to use it or not.
The final decision totally depends on you. I can say one last thing to conclude this topic.
Bone conduction headphones are relatively safer in many ways than traditional headphones while using rightly.